News archive

Fire of the Adversary Jan 13 2017

Hear ye, children of technology.
"Temple of the Adversarial Fire" is now available through the W.T.C. shop, order your copy here.

Note that only the CD is available at this moment. Vinyl, tape and merch will be available in February.

Meanwhile, if you have not heard the album yet, you can now check it out through these online platforms:
Youtube, Bandcamp, Spotify.

It is also available through other platforms such as iTunes, Tidal etc. so pick your poison.

Take heed! Dec 15 2016

W.T.C. Productions will from this point on be the only label in charge of Shaarimoths upcoming album "Temple of the Adversarial Fire"

In other words, Daemon Worship Productions will not take part of the release (due to health issues).

So for all inquires regarding the release (or other related questions) contact either W.T.C. Productions or the band.

The rage of the Devil will soon enter upon the earth, prepare for Death!

Shaarimoth is looking for a rhythm guitarist and a bassist for upcoming live rituals Dec 15 2016

The new album is soon to be released, and there are already plans for live concerts to promote the album. Thus we are looking for a technically skilled and professional rhythm guitarist and a like-minded bass player, both with great ambitions to complete the lineup on upcoming live concerts.

As a requirement you have to be able to practice on the material on you own as there will only be a few rehearsals close to the concerts. We will supply you with all the materials needed.

If interested, send an email to, and add personal information, list of qualifications/experiences and your contact information for more details.

"Current 11" to be re-issued by W.T.C. Oct 26 2016

Hearken! As some of you already have noticed, old curses will once again see the light of day.
11 years after it was released by Carnal Records, Shaarimoth's debut album "Current 11" has been raised to new life.
Just like a wolf sheds its coat but his nature never change, so the new version will have a new design but its content will remain the same. New layouts and designs are in the making by Fenomeno Design.

World Terror Committee will re-issue the album on CD & LP in 2017, more information will be given in due time.
Meanwhile, check out the album in its entirety in the music section.

Silim-Madu Ama-Ushumgal-Anna!

Shaarimoth joins the ranks of World Terror Committee Jul 28 2016

As the time of the Fire is drawing nearer, we are proud to announce a new European collaborator, World Terror Committee.

World Terror Committee and Daemon Worship Productions will co-release our upcoming litany, making sure that the incantations will resonance loud and clear, far and near.

Final details for layouts are being crafted these days and that’s the only remaining piece of the puzzle, before the sonic temple of Shaarimoth once again is prepared to open its doors.

We hereby present a short teaser for the upcoming album named "Temple of the Adversarial Fire".

Shaarimoth signs with Daemon Worship Productions Sep 23 2015

Today, as we stand on the crossroad of the EquiNox, the time when night defeats day, we are proud to announce a new collaboration between Shaarimoth and Daemon Worship Productions!

Let this signify the return and the new beginning.

More information on both new album and other relevant news will be available later on.

Praise the impending Dark, Hail Noxul!

New Shaarimoth Song Feb 28 2015

More than a decade has passed since the recording of our last Sonic Ritual, but now you shall wait no more. One manifestation is hereby revealed, One song to praise the Thoughtless Light and its Powers that dwell both within and without.

Descend - Ascend - Transcend!